San Bernardino International Airport and Trade Center (SBIATC) is located on the former Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino, California. Occupying an area of 2,100 acres, the facilities comprise a full-service airport, commercial and industrial properties, and the 18-hole Palm Meadows Golf Course. The airport (SBD) is an FAA commercial facility with a 10,000-foot runway, a state-of-the-art Instrument Landing System and an Automated Weather Observation System III. SBD offers a competitive business advantage for cargo, airlines and general aviation. The airport is a public, mixed-use, financially self-sustaining commercial service facility, designed to serve the western United States over its entire operational life. SBD and its remodeled terminal area are recognized by the FAA as a secured airport. Additionally, SBD is located within two miles of the Santa Fe Intermodal Rail Facility. SBIATC is operated under the joint authority of the Inland Valley Development Agency and the San Bernardino International Airport Authority, and is currently home to more than 80 businesses.