Morgan State University is one of more than 100 historically black colleges and universities in America. Designated as Maryland’s public urban university, it is a four-year, state-supported, coed university located in residential Baltimore, Maryland. The history of the Morgan State University begins in 1867 with the founding of the Centenary Biblical Institute by the Baltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. At the time of its establishment, their original motto was to prepare young black men for Christian ministry. It subsequently broadened its mission by starting a teacher training program to both men and women. In 1890, the institution had changed its name to Morgan College to honor its most important chairman of the board of trustees and a generous donor, Dr. Lyttleton F. Morgan. The school awarded its first baccalaureate degree in 1895. In 1915, with a conditional grant provided by the late ^Andrew Carnegie^, the institution moved to its present location in northeast Baltimore. The oldest building on the present MSU campus, Carnegie Hall, was erected two years later and named in recognition of the donor. The College remained a private institution under church jurisdiction until it was purchased by the State in 1939 and became the Morgan State College. In 1975, the College was elevated to university status and renamed Morgan State University. The University, with a student population of more than 6,000, offers a comprehensive range of academic programs through the doctorate. Its institutions includes the College of Liberal Arts, the Institute of Architecture and Planning, and the Schools of Business and Management; Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences; Education and Urban Studies; Engineering; and Graduate Studies.