John B. Anderson, to distinguish between the politician and the country-western singer of the same name, entered the national political arena in 1961, as a junior Congressman from Illinois. He served for 10 terms before tossing his hat into the ring as an independent candidate for President of the United States. He carried the centrist banner for a grassroots movement that appealed to at least six million voters.
The early years
John Bayard Anderson was born in February 1922, in Rockford, Illinois, and spent his childhood there. He received his undergraduate degree in pre-law and later, his juris doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law. His studies were interupted by World War II, in which he served as a staff sergeant in a field artillery unit.
After receiving his degree following the war, Anderson was admitted to the Illinois bar and practiced law in Rockford until moving east to attend Harvard Law School, earning his LL.M. degree in 1949.
He then broadened his experience by serving on the faculty of Northeastern University School of Law, and was on the staff of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany.
The public domain
Anderson was elected State's Attorney for his home county, Winnebago, in 1956. In 1960, he ran successfully for the 16th District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, and served as Chairman of the House Republican Committee from 1969 until entering the Republican primary for president, in 1980.
He withdrew from that primary to run an independent campaign against Republican nominee and eventual winner of the election, Ronald Reagan, and Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter. Anderson's six million votes translated into about seven percent of the total.
The 1980 campaign
Anderson, following a spirited debate with Reagan, dropped out of the Republican primary to run an independent campaign. His thoughts on the two parties:
Post-1980 activity
Anderson remained active in the educational arm of the law, becoming a visiting professor in such prestigious universities as Stanford, Brandeis, and Bryn Mawr College. Anderson's passion since his trial balloon of 1980, however, is to wave the centrist flag for moderate America. He espouses what he calls "a common sense approach to government." His goal is to ensure that other views and opinions, other than those of the major parties in America, are heard. Anderson's main goal has evolved from that third-party try for the presidency in 1980. Now in the twilight of his political career, he has nevertheless continued his crusade for a "one man, one vote" scenario, meaning that the Electoral College, of which as few as 12 votes¹ could elect a president of the United States, needs to be modified in favor of a nationwide popular vote.
Who is John Anderson?
To know John Anderson, one must listen to what he has to say, what he stands for. The following are typical thoughts:
"I was really buoyed by the thought that so many people didn't listen to the internal chant that was ringing in my ears every place I went: 'Don't waste a vote. If you don't vote for a major-party candidate, you are wasting your vote.'"²"All elements in our society have got to be listened to; their voices have got to be heard. That means we've got to look at the laws of democracy, and evolve and develop a structure that is more responsive than the current structure."
"I am now 80 years of age, and I suppose with great age comes great wisdom. I would like to think so. What drives me is the realization that there are a lot of people like me who I can make a common bond with and make common cause. To try to have an influence even though I am not an elected official and never intend to run again. I've still got to do something. I've got to keep thinking. If I don't, I will start to die."
"I don't want to sound vainglorious because, after all, I failed in the biggest challenge of all when I tried to become president. Let's say I am satisfied that I have had a fairly useful life and that I have accomplished a few things and hopefully they will contribute to a better future."
What's new in the 21st century
Anderson has served as chair of the FairVote alliance, teaming with other like-minded politicians Birch Bayh (D-IN) and John Buchanon (R-AL). Together they lead the push for a "National Popular Vote" agenda in which states come together to elect a president wanted by a majority of the nation.